Unpaid bills have prompted Bloomington officials to see a clarification from ownership on the status of the Bloomington PrairieThunder.
Unpaid bills have prompted Bloomington officials to see a clarification from ownership on the status of the Bloomington PrairieThunder (IHL).
The PrairieThunder accounts for about a quarter of the gross revenue at U.S Cellular Coliseum, so it’s not a surprise city officials would be taking a very close look at any unpaid bills. Plus, given that many minor-league hockey teams are in a precarious financial position these days, city officials have double the reason to be vigilant.
Team officials say attendance is down, but there are some misunderstandings about some of the bills — misunderstandings that should be cleared up after meetings between the two sides. And no one thinks the financial issues faced by the hockey team as are serious as last season, when the team was sold in midstream.