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Winona officials pitch $30 million arena project

A proposed new arena in Winona (Minn.) would house Winona State University sports, concerts and conventions — if it can be done for $30 million.
A proposed new arena in Winona (Minn.) would house Winona State University sports, concerts and conventions — if it can be done for $30 million.

That’s the course plotted out by city officials, who issued a call for architects to submit preliminary pitches for a multipurpose arena. Now, $30 million is a pretty low figure for a facility hosting both hockey and basketball as well as year-round events like concerts and the Great River Shakespeare Festival events; those are competing uses, each with their own special needs.

The $30 million would mostly come from the state (plans are to ask the Minnesota Legislature for $25 million in the 2010 session, the next time the state looks at bonding), with $5 million already pledged by arena boosters in the community.

More from the Winona Daily News.
