Virginia Beach officials did not breach their contract when they ended an agreement with the developer of a proposed arena in 2017, a judge ruled on Wednesday. (more…)
Tag Archives | Mid-Atlantic Arena
Virginia Beach Arena Developer Sues City
Mid-Atlantic Arena, the developer that was to have built a new Virginia Beach arena, has filed a lawsuit against the City of Virginia Beach. This comes months after the city council voted to terminate its agreement with the developer. (more…)
Attorney Alleges City Violated Virginia Beach Arena Deal
In canceling a deal on a proposed Virginia Beach arena, the city violated the development agreement for the project, according to an attorney for the developer. (more…)
Council Ends Contract With Virginia Beach Arena Developer
At a meeting on Tuesday, the Virginia Beach City Council voted to end its contract with the developer of a proposed Virginia Beach Arena. (more…)
Virginia Beach Arena Developer Plans to Meet Financing Deadline
As a crucial deadline approaches, the developer of a Virginia Beach arena says it is prepared to fulfill its financing plan. (more…)